Tor & Why You May Have Something to Hide

[Updated to include instructions on how to configure web browsers to only use Tor for some websites but not others.]

Tor is an EFF supported open source software project that makes it difficult for anyone to figure out who a Tor user is talking to on the Internet. For example, someone using Tor can pretty effectively hide which websites they visit, where they download content from, who they are sending e-mail to, etc. As I explain below, Tor is a tool everyone should be interested in, even those who don't think they have anything to hide.

Unfortunately Tor's performance can be quite slow. But using proxy configuration files (pac files) it is possible to configure browsers to use Privoxy/Tor for some websites but not others. This is not a perfect solution since, as I explain below, there are some trivial ways to get around this technique but it is better than nothing.

Continue reading Tor & Why You May Have Something to Hide

End-To-End Confusion – The Changing Meaning of End-To-End in Transport and Application Protocols

In a previous article I had argued that the end-to-end model was a bad one for SOA. In comments on that article Nick Gall made the point that I was using the term end-to-end incorrectly. I countered that the meaning of the term was different for application protocols than for transport protocols (where Nick's usage came from). Below I explain how HTTP's violation of the 'end-to-end principle' sent application protocols on a path where the very idea of 'end-to-end' changed with unfortunate consequences for SOA.

Continue reading End-To-End Confusion – The Changing Meaning of End-To-End in Transport and Application Protocols

SOA Security – Encryption

In this article I first look at the use cases for encryption in SOA and explore three scenarios: hop-by-hop, end-to-end and beyond messaging. I conclude that most folks just need hop-by-hop messaging, specifically SSL. I then look at issues relating to encrypting messages outside of the enterprise and conclude that most services probably don't need encryption but they'll use it anyway so to reduce harm they should at least use SSL enabled proxies in order to make the unencrypted messages available within the corporate network. I then look at using encryption within the enterprise and strongly caution most companies to avoid it if at all possible. The bottom line is that SSL is enough for almost everything, GPG cleans up the rest and XML Encryption and the WS-Security framework are almost certainly more trouble than they are worth.

Continue reading SOA Security – Encryption

Web Services, SOA and RPC Encoded – the Exception that Proves the Rule

In my search for how real people are implementing SOA I just about never see SOAP, and WSDL seems unheard of. But when I point this out I inevitably get yelled at and told SOAP and WSDL are used all the time. Which is true, but misses the point. Because what SOAP and WSDL are generally being used for is not SOA but rather RPC, specifically RPC-Encoded. Of course RPC is the text book definition of "Not SOA". So I tip my hat to Web Service's major success – as Not SOA.

Continue reading Web Services, SOA and RPC Encoded – the Exception that Proves
the Rule

SOA and the End-To-End Morass

In SOA application modeling there are two basic approaches, end-to-end and hop-by-hop. The end-to-end model is based on an originating sender, a series of intermediaries and a final destination. In the hop-by-hop model each service only knows about the next hop service and nothing more. Below I argue that the end-to-end model inevitably leads to having to create a single protocol that the whole world has to support, requires a painfully sophisticated security model and all but requires that services be tightly coupled. The hop-by-hop model, on the other hand, suffers from none of these problems but does introduce extra latency. On balance I don't believe the benefits of the end-to-end model justify its costs and therefore recommend that service implementers use the hop-by-hop model.

Continue reading SOA and the End-To-End Morass

SOA Security: Authentication – What it really costs and what most folks really need

Authentication is often seen as a cheap and easy security solution but it is anything but. Authentication is a significant threat to re-use and it can cause a false sense of security that leaves services open to real threats. But when authentication is called for there are outstanding, well proven solutions that are almost certainly already in your data center – HTTP Digest and SSL. As I argue below, they are the right technologies for just about all your authentication needs.

Continue reading SOA Security: Authentication – What it really costs and what
most folks really need

SOA-Reliability (SOA-Rity) for HTTP

SOAR-ity is intended to allow for "reliable" (this term is almost always a misnomer) messaging over HTTP. It achieves this goal by introducing two new request headers, MID which provides a unique ID for a message and MsgCreate which contains the date and time on which the first instance of the message with the associated MID was sent. The purpose of the MID/MsgCreate pair is to allow any HTTP request (e.g. any HTTP method can be used) to be repeated multiple times with a guarantee that the message will be processed no more than one time. In essence it makes any HTTP method call idempotent.

The SOA-Rity specification is now available as an Internet Draft. Below I provide links to different versions of the draft that are hosted locally so as to ensure accessibility if the draft should expire.:

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say that the Oxygen editor ROCKS! Make sure to check out their 'academic licenses' which are actually just for personal use in case you can't justify buying Oxygen for your job.

11/08/2005 King County, Washington, USA Elections

I never got a voter pamphlet but thankfully King County has a really nice service that lets you enter your name and address and get back a customized listing of what will show up on your ballot.

Continue reading 11/08/2005 King County, Washington, USA Elections

11/08/2005 King County, Washington, USA Elections – State Wide Initiatives

It's voting time again. I'm going to update this article as I work through the vote pamphlet.

  • Initiative Measure 900 – NO

  • Initiative Measure 901 – YES

  • Initiative Measure 912 – NO

  • Initiative Measure 330 – HELL NO

  • Initiative Measure 336 – NO

  • Senate Joint Resolution 8207 – YES

Continue reading 11/08/2005 King County, Washington, USA Elections – State
Wide Initiatives